What is Gout and what to Eat to avoid it?

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Gout is a type of arthritis that usually appears unexpectedly and, if left untreated, attacks recur. Gout is a condition that affects more men than women. Increased uric acid in the body leads to gout. The most obvious symptoms are joint pain, swelling of the big toe, stiffness and redness in the joints.

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout and its Treatments: Gout Home Remedy

How to prevent Gout?

Gout is associated with the ingestion of foods high in purines, (organic molecules present in DNA, responsible for forming adenine and guanine) which are degraded and produce uric acid as waste.

Some of the food precursors of uric acid are animal products, such as red meat, seafood and other sea products, as well as alcoholic beverages and beverages with added sugar. There are also ingredients of vegetable origin rich in purines, such as sweet fruits, fruit juices and even tomatoes.

A good Diet is important to prevent Gout: Gout Diet

To prevent and avoid the development of gout, it is recommended to have a varied diet, high in legumes, vegetables and vegetable oils, as well as dairy products, which, contrary to common belief, do not mean a risk of uric acid increase.

Foods such as coffee and cherries are considered preventive and protective against gout. On the other hand, foods rich in vitamin C promote the renal excretion of uric acid.

An excellent Natural Supplement for Gout can be purchased here: Gout Treatment

It is important to emphasize that, when gout is diagnosed, a medical treatment should be followed, since diet is an adjuvant and should not replace the professional medical opinion.

Exercise will prevent the joints from becoming stiff and losing mobility over time.

Having a sedentary life and with little physical exercise are contraindicated situations in this type of disease. Since it favors that this disease worsens and leaves more serious sequelae such as permanent immobility problems.

There are many Home Remedies to prevent or even eliminate Gout: Home Remedies For Gout